Biographie de Laura Anna Pezzetti
Laura Anna Pezzetti, M. Arch PhD, is Professor of Architectural Design and Urban Composition at Politecnico di Milano, where she also serves as Chair of Architecture and Urban Design in ABC PhD board, Double Master Degrees Coordinator with Chinese Universities, and Delegate for International Relationship with Tsinghua University. Since 2015, she has directed the yearly "Heritage-Led Design Workshop" in Xi'an with Prof.
Liu Kecheng. Her research and design activities in both Italy and China focus on the layered construction of architectural and urban form with specific reference to historic sites, evolving contexts, public buildings and spaces. Her theoretical research and design have been published internationally and discussed in conferences and exhibitions. Her recent books include : Ri-Scritture del progetto ne ! paesaggio storico.
Lettura interpretazione figurazione (Siracusa 2020) ; Layered Morphologies and Latent Structures. Reading, Decoding and Rewriting to Enhance Historic Rurban Landscape (Shanghai 2019), and Liu Kecheng. Going through Historical Space (with Xiao Li, Shanghai 2017).