Joe L. Kincheloe (1950-2008) was the author of over 55 books and hundreds of articles. His most recent book was Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy. His research/teaching involved devising and engaging students in new, more intellectually rigorous and socially just ways of analyzing and researching education. He developed an evolving notion of criticality that constructed innovative ways to cultivate the intellect as it worked in anti-oppressive and affectively engaging ways.
With Shirley R. Steinberg, Joe founded the Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy, which aims to improve the contribution that education makes to social justice and the democratic quality of people's lives. Randall Hewitt is Associate Professor in the School of Teaching, Learning, and Leadership at the University of Central Florida. Hewitt's current research focuses on the critical sense of the American pragmatist, social reconstructionist traditions, and on the art of democratic pedagogy.
He is the author of Dewey and Power : Renewing the Democratic Faith.