Biographie d'E. Fred Schubert
E. Fred Schubert received his Ph.D. degree with Honors in Electrical Engineering from the University of Stuttgart in 1986 and is currently a Wellfleet Senior Constellation Professor of the future Chip Constellation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He has made several pioneering contributions to the field of LEDs, including the first demonstration of the resonant-cavity light-emitting diode (RCLED).
He has authored or coauthored more than 200 publications including Doping in III-V Semiconducturs (Cambridge University Press, 1993, 0-521-01784-X) for which he was awarded the VDE Literature Prize. He is inventor or coinventor of 28 US Patents and is a fellow of the IEEE, APS, OSA, and SPIE. He received the Senior Research Award of the Humboldt Foundation, the Discover Award for Technological Innovation, the RD roo Award, and Boston University's Provost Innovation Fund Award.