Biographie de Robert De Levie
Robert de Levie was born in Amsterdam, where he also earned his PhD. After postdoctoral study with Paul Delahay he joined Georgetown University in Washington DC, where he taught analytical chemistry and electrochemistry for 34 years, before his recent move to Bowdoin College in Brunswick ME. For ten years he served as the US editor of the Journal of Electroanalytical chemistry.
Professor de Levie has published more than 130 research papers on various electrochemical topics, including the electrochemical response of porous and rough electrodes, the development of modern ac polarographic instrumentation, the measurement of adsorption of ions and molecules at the metal-solution interface, the properties of ion transport through lipid bilayer membranes, the physics and chemistry of electrochemical oscillations, the properties of condensed monolayer films at the metal-solution interface, and stochastic measurements.
He has also been interested in a more rational description of ionic equilibria, suitable for computer fitting of experimental data, and in the introduction of computer methods, such as spreadsheets, in the undergraduate curriculum. This interest has resulted in the development of quite general expressions for acid-base and redox titrations, and for the redox buffer strength. He has also written several books in this area.