Satish G. Kandlikar, Editor-in-Chief, is a Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Rochester Institute of Technology. His research focuses primarily in the area of flow boiling, bubble dynamics and mechanistic modeling. He has developed phenomenological models on saturated and subcooled flow boiling heat transfer, pool and flow boiling with binary mixtures, and flow boiling heat transfer in enhanced geometries. He continues to do research on bubble dynamics using high speed imaging techniques. Dr. Kandlikar is the recipient of the 1996-97 Eisenhart Outstanding Teaching award at RIT and is a fellow member of ASME.
Masahiro Shoji, Co-Editor, is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Tokyo. He has been actively engaged in fundamental and applied research and education in heat transfer He has worked extensively in the phase change phenomena and his recent special interest is in nonlinear features of boiling. He is an active professor in Japanese thermal engineering, Division Chair of the Thermal Engineering Division of JSME, Vice President of the Heat Transfer Society of Japan and heads a number of other committees.
Vijay K. Dhir, Co-Editor, is a Professor of Engineering and Applied Science in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at UCLA, He has conducted basic experimental and analytical investigations on a number of pool and forced flow boiling topics, two phase flow in porous media, film condensation, simultaneous melting and condensation, and evaporation. His applied research is on thermal hydraulics and safety of nuclear power systems, He is a fellow of both ASME and ANS and is the recipient of the ASME Heat Transfer Memorial award in the Science Category for the year 1992.