Audrey Soula is an anthropologist at CIRAD (UMR MOISA). After focusing initial research on the issue of migration and minorities in Japan, she is currently studying changes in food habits in urban areas in Morocco, while investigating various aspects including food heritage and gender. Chelsie Yount-André is a food anthropologist at CIRAD (UMR MOISA). Her research deals with transnational families in Dakar and Paris, the socialization of children through food sharing and economic morals.
Olivier Lepiller is a sociologist at CIRAD (UMR MOISA). His research concerns social transformations in food norms and practices at different scales (sociohistorical, biographical) and on creating enabling environments for the emergence of more sustainable food systems. Nicolas Bricas is a socioeconomist at CIRAD (UMR MOISA) and Director of the UNESCO Chair in World Food Systems. He studies food behaviour and urban food policies.
Book translated by David Manley from Manger en ville : regards socio-anthropologiques d'Afrique, d'Amérique latine et d'Asie, published by Quae (2020).