Biographie de Roger Godement
Born in 1921 near Le Havre, France, Roger Godement studied at the prestigious Ecole normale suérieure in Paris, from 1940 to 1943. His Ph.D., awarded in 1946, was supervised by Henri Cartan. His first professorial appointment was to the University of Nancy (1946-1955), after which he returned to Paris and to a chair at the University where he remained until his retirement in 199o. He was Visiting Professor at the Universities of Illinois (Urbana) and Berkeley, and the Institute for Advanced Study during various periods.
Godement is the author of several books : Théorie des Faisceaux (1957), Cours d'algèbre (1963) (english edition 1968), Zeta functions of simple algebras (1972, with Hervé Jacquet), Notes on Jacquet-Langlands Theory (IAS, Princeton), Introduction à la théorie des groupes de Lie (U. of Paris, 1982, and Springer, 2003). Besides these, Godement, as a 2nd generation member of the author-collective Bourbaki, penned parts of the multi-volume treatise Eléments de Mathématique of N.
Bourbaki. The present 2 volumes are the translation of volumes 1 and 2 of Godement's latest, equally successful, book, Analyse Mathématique, published in 4 volumes in French between 1998 and 2003.