The must-read summary of Keith Eades and Robert Kear's book : "The Solution-Centric Organization : Transform Your Revenue Engine to Market and Sell High Value Solutions". This complete summary of Keith Eades and Robert Kear's book "The Solution-Centric Organization" shows that, as globalisation proceeds, more and more companies are trying to differentiate themselves by offering "solutions" - loose bundles of products and services lumped together in an attempt to offset being viewed as commodities. However, this isn't enough and something more fundamental needs to change. In their book, the authors explain that in order to move from being product-centered to becoming solution-centered, there are six systemic drivers which need to be aligned. This summary presents the competitive advantage of becoming solution-centric, and gives essential concepts and principles to solution-centricity. Added-value of this summary : - Save time - Understand key concepts - Expand your knowledge To learn more, read "The Solution-Centric Organization" and discover the key to creating products that customers really want.