"A Proposal Under Difficulties" by John Kendrick Bangs is a charming comedic tale that follows the misadventures of its protagonist as he attempts to navigate the treacherous waters of courtship. Set in the romantic backdrop of turn-of-the-century America, Bangs' story offers a delightful blend of humor, romance, and social satire. As the bumbling protagonist struggles to muster the courage to propose to his beloved, he finds himself beset by a series of comical obstacles and misunderstandings. With its witty dialogue, endearing characters, and clever plot twists, "A Proposal Under Difficulties" is a delightful romp through the complexities of love and relationships. Through its lighthearted humor and whimsical charm, the story offers audiences a heartwarming reminder that love conquers all, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges. Bangs' masterful storytelling and keen sense of humor ensure that "A Proposal Under Difficulties" is a delightful and entertaining read for audiences of all ages.