Biographie de Marcia E. Formica
Marcia Formica is an evolving experiment in self-actualization. After a corporate career of over 31 years, she ditched her suits and pumps and tumbled into her "why" in the fall of 2018. This is her first, and perhaps forever her only book, a humorous and sometimes harrowing account of surviving and even thriving through a decade-long home renovation project co-produced with her husband (to whom, most stunningly of all, she remains married).
She shares the ongoing saga of refinements to their environmentally sustainable, very low-energy-consuming passive house on her website and blog at There you can also see a complete gallery of photos taken over the full course of the renovation. Her passion for the links between food, and public and environmental health, can be found in her "Food Friday" posts at
For fun and profit, she is a practitioner of value investing and disciplined trading strategies. She's been on the adventure of marriage to her husband Tim since 1993. They aren't beautiful. They aren't rich. They swear. A lot. They have two (arguably) grown sons, James and Owen, and the best friends and family she could ever have imagined for herself, including her mom and dad, whose care she's helping with-which she blogs about on her "Mom & Dad Monday" page at