Biographie de Dwaraknath Reddy
Dwaraknath Reddy, a post-graduate in science (L. S. U.; USA), built up a family-owned industry into national eminence and has donated all his wealth to serve the poor multitudes of his countrymen. All his adult life, his was a quest to know the ultimate goal of human existence. His was a soul in search of its beginnings, to enable understanding of its highest ultimate purpose. He saw clearly that the relative cannot contain the Absolute.
Objective knowledge can and must end in subjective experience. The teachings of RamanaMaharshi convinced him that Ramana was the epitome of all scriptures, the promise and proof of attainable perfection. Of Ramana's transcendence into Absolute Consciousness beyond concepts of time, space, and causality, he writes: "Long before Time could write Ramana's obituary, Ramana wrote Time's obituary." Reddy, now 84 years old, is a seeker of Reality and lives at Sri Ramanashram, Tiruvannamalai (South India), which is the sanctified shrine of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi.