Biographie de Jeffrey V. Perry
Jeffrey V. Perry, Writer, Poet, and AuthorJeffrey is a fifty-four (54) years old, Afro-American male, born in North Carolina in 1955. He has had several creative writing classes over the years, and understands the academics of literature. He attended Dartmouth College, undergraduate, and holds a Master of Science in Management. His titles include: The Positive Prime, a book of Poetry Publish America, Inc, LLP, 2007, Conversations with a Soul Brother (includes essays), Outskirts Press, 2008, and Welcome Home, Soul Food, Legacy of an Ex-slave, in 2009, and Obedience to Poetry (2.0)and Alternating Views 2.0 in 2010, all published at Harlem Book Fair Publishers (now Wordclay).
He has published several essays, which are included in his collection, Alternating Views 2.0, from the Mental Health News, "Quality Life Promotes Recovery" and "The Economy's Effect on People: a Peer Perspective, ' and is published in other NYC area mental health journals.