Biographie de Ed Manolio
I was born in New York City but lived most of my early life in Fort Lee, New Jersey. After my schooling was finished, eventually I re-located to East Atlantic Beach, New York where I currently reside with my lovely wife Odalys. While growing up our family always had a dog although the responsibility to care for them always fell on my parents shoulders. I became a dog lover and finally decided to take the plunge into ownership with my first Irish Setter.
It was quite an experience, one I wouldn't change at all. It certainly taught me the full impact of having a pet. My interests include music and music history, playing tennis, gardening, all Boston professional sports teams and animal rights. My first book, Tails From Dublin is a sincere look back at our lives together written entirely from her perspective. We had some adventures together and the book details them from her eyes.
My next book, soon to be published, will be on a unique look at recorded popular music history.