A longtime singer and guitarist for the band Stradivarius, Vincent Delmas is a scriptwriter and filmmaker, having earned his degree in cinema and graduated from the European Conservatory of Audiovisual Writing in Paris. He gained experience in the domain by writing a number of episodes for television series which, unfortunately, never made it to the screen. As a result, Delmas decided to go a different route, and tried his hand at writing comic book scripts.
In 2011, alongside Riccardo Crosa, he created "Synchrone" (Le Lombard; "Synchronic, " Europe Comics), a thriller about an ex-NSA agent with a mental affliction that turns out to be a gift in the eyes of his former employer.
Riccardo Crosa, born in Syracuse, Italy, in 1967, is a multi-talented artist who has done a bit of everything throughout his career, from illustration to animation and comics.
His first projects include "Rigor Mortis, " followed up by "Kira" in 1999, with his finding a perfect balance between humor and adventure. Over the years, he adopted a style of artwork close to manga, which caught the attention of publisher Humanoïdes Associés. They invited him to collaborate on the manga magazine "Shogun, " which led to further work with the publisher, including the series "Sanctuaire Reminded." More recently, Crosa teamed with scriptwriter Vincent Delmas to create "Synchrone" (Le Lombard; "Synchronic, " Europe Comics), a thriller about an ex-NSA agent with a mental affliction that turns out to be a gift in the eyes of his former employer.