Biographie de Kitty Corner
Consultant psychologist, psychotherapist. Specializations: individual and family counseling, work with trauma, complex emotional (anxiety, panic) states, psychosomatic symptoms, the personality of the individual crises, twin and family relations; group therapy. Activities:1. single counseling adults: one-time consultation on request, a short-term (maintenance) and long term (effective) treatment.2.
Work with pairs: one-time consultation, long-term emotional and focused therapy.3. Group work: group therapy in the dynamic treatment groups focus group sessions, workshops, seminars. Directions:- Development and strengthening of personal identity, increasing emotional awareness and self-esteem, develop practical skills of interpersonal communication;- Psychological support and support in difficult personal living conditions, development of competencies of emotional literacy and self-support;- Group dynamic therapy focused on solving a broad range of personal and social problems, the development and strengthening of self-awareness, self-confidence, improve the quality of life.