Biographie de James Young
James Young is a science fiction and alternative history author and editor hailing from Missouri. Leaving small town life, James obtained a bachelor's in military history from the United States Military Academy then went on to spend six years as an armor and staff officer in Korea, the Pacific Northwest, and Germany.
After serving his commitment to the Republic, James returned to the Midwest to obtain his Masters and Doctorate in U.
S. History from Kansas State. License for evil, er, Ph. D. in hand, Dr. Young now spends his spare time torturing characters, editing alternative history anthologies with far more famous authors like S. M. Stirling and David Weber (check out the Phases of Mars series), and admiring his wife's (Anita C. Young) award-winning artwork. His awards include winning the United States Naval Institute's 2016 Cyberwarfare Essay Contest, placing as a runner up in the 2011 Adams Center Cold War Essay Contest, and having the Naval History and Heritage Command select an article ("Surface Lessons of Guadalcanal") for inclusion on their professional reading list.