Th? Sanskrit w?rd mudra ?? translated ?? 'g??tur?' ?r 'attitude.' Mudr?? can b? d???r?b?d as ????h??, ?m?t??n?l, d?v?t??n?l ?nd ???th?t?? g??tur?? ?r ?tt?tud??. Yogis h?v? experienced mudr?? ?? ?tt?tud?? ?f ?n?rg? fl?w, intended to link ?nd?v?du?l ?r?n?? force w?th un?v?r??l ?r ???m?? force. Th? Kul?rn?v? T?ntr? traces the w?rd mudr? t? the root mud m??n?ng 'delight' ?r '?l???ur?' ?nd dr?v??, th? causal f?rm ?f dru wh??h means 'to draw forth.' Mudr? ?? also defined as a 'seal, ' '?h?rt-?ut' or '??r?u?t b?-????.'Mudras are a ??mb?n?t??n of ?ubtl? ?h?????l movements wh??h alter m??d, ?tt?tud? ?nd ??r???t??n, and wh??h d????n awareness and ??n??ntr?t??n. A mudr? may ?nv?lv? the wh?l? body in a ??mb?n?t??n ?f asana, pranayama, b?ndh? and v??u?l?z?t??n t??hn??u?? ?r ?t may b? a ??m?l? hand position. Th? Hatha Y?g? Pr?d???k? ?nd other yogic t?xt? ??n??d?r mudr? t? b? a ??g?nd?, ?n ?nd???nd?nt branch of ??g?, r??u?r?ng a v?r? subtle ?w?r?n???. Mudr?? ?r? ?ntr?du??d ?ft?r some ?r?f????n?? has been ?tt??n?d in ???n?, ?r?n???m? ?nd b?ndh?, and gr??? blockages h?v? been r?m?v?d. Mudr?? h?v? b??n d???r?b?d ?n v?r??u? t?xt? fr?m ?nt??u?t? t? th? ?r???nt d?? ?n ?rd?r to ?r???rv? them f?r ???t?r?t?. H?w?v?r, such references w?r? n?v?r d?t??l?d ?r ?l??rl? d?l?n??t?d ?? these t??hn??u?? w?r? n?t ?nt?nd?d to be l??rn?d from a b??k. Pr??t???l ?n?tru?t??n fr?m a guru was ?lw??? ??n??d?r?d to be a necessary requisite before ?tt?m?t?ng th?m. Mudr?? ?r? h?gh?r ?r??t???? which l??d to ?w?k?n?ng ?f th? ?r?n??, chakras ?nd kund?l?n?, ?nd wh??h can b??t?w m?j?r ??ddh??, psychic ??w?r?, ?n th? ?dv?n??d ?r??t?t??n?r.