How can we become the people loved by Allah (SWT) to enter Jannah, the Eternal Paradise?Prophet Mu?ammad ? said, " I have prepared for My righteous... > Lire la suite
How can we become the people loved by Allah (SWT) to enter Jannah, the Eternal Paradise?Prophet Mu?ammad ? said, " I have prepared for My righteous servants (such excellent things) as no eye has ever seen, nor an ear has ever heard nor a human heart can ever think of." [?a?i? al-Bukhari ?adith 303]This book shows 30 ways that bring us closer to the love of our Creator. It describes the qualities and characteristics of the people whom Allah (SWT) especially loves. In doing so, it refers to various Quranic verses and evidence from authentic Prophetic Traditions. Often it is the many small things in life that make a big difference in our souls, whether it is our gratitude, patience, generosity, or even just a kind word or smile. If we develop our spiritual life gradually and persistently, we earn the infinite love of Allah (SWT) and eternal paradise."O Allah, I ask You for Your love and the love of those who love You, and for deeds that will bring me closer to Your love." (Sunan At-Tirmidhi 3490)Let us be the best person we can be to be loved by Allah (SWT).