Also known as "the free market economy" or " freeenterprises", capitalism represents and economic systemwhich encompasses factories, production lines,... > Lire la suite
Also known as "the free market economy" or " freeenterprises", capitalism represents and economic systemwhich encompasses factories, production lines, shippingagencies and many other work fields where severalpeople can own their private practices while employingothers. Even the world "capital" is interconnected withall the different types of resources, such as human andmaterial resources. This book will present the reader with a brief history of theconcept of capitalism, taking him or her on a journey whichsets off in the 19th century and which has undergone manychanges, resulting in what we call today "the free market"Our book will show you how the free market works, where itoriginated from and how you can approach it in our moderntimes. We shall discuss about the authorized trading companiesthat tend to rule the market, Keynesianism and globalizationand- of course- we could not even begin to define capitalismwithout speaking about the industrial revolution! The industrialdevelopments truly altered the way products are delivered, andit created businesses for a large number of people. Despite thefact that the most punctual working conditions in the IndustrialRevolution were frequently troublesome, hazardous, orundesirable, open mindfulness and social developmentsprompted better vocation measures. The outcome has beenmore secure working conditions, more attractive paychecks, andan essentially improved living for entire social orders. Make no mistake, you will find this book highly practical, easyto read and you will find all of the information that mightconcern you. So buckle up and let us embark on this journeywhich will take us from the early stages of capitalism, to ourmodern day free market.