If we planned ?v?r?thing in ?ur liv??, ?ur lives would ??rt?inl? be ?m??th?r and more fruitful. Often, h?w?v?r, we d? thing? b? the seat of ?ur pants... > Lire la suite
If we planned ?v?r?thing in ?ur liv??, ?ur lives would ??rt?inl? be ?m??th?r and more fruitful. Often, h?w?v?r, we d? thing? b? the seat of ?ur pants ?nd th?n things d?n't ?lw??? w?rk out. Having a plan, wh?th?r it i? f?r ??ur fin?n?i?l futur?, your d?ting lif?, ?r your Int?rn?t m?rk?ting is ?ru?i?l to knowing h?w f?r away ??u are from ??ur ultimate g??l ?? as to m?k? u??ful adjustments ?l?ng th? way. With?ut a ?l?n, you are ?t th? m?r?? of all ??rt? ?f m?rk?t f?r??? ?nd l?ft to try t? establish order from ?h??? wh?n thing? g?t ?ut ?f h?nd, with?ut knowing wh?r? to ?t?rt.