S?ftw?r? d?v?l??m?nt ?r?j??t? ?r? notorious f?r h?ving a high f?ilur? r?t?. In th? ??nt?xt ?f this ????r, "failure" is d?fin?d ??, "n?t meeting th? ?r?j??t... > Lire la suite
S?ftw?r? d?v?l??m?nt ?r?j??t? ?r? notorious f?r h?ving a high f?ilur? r?t?. In th? ??nt?xt ?f this ????r, "failure" is d?fin?d ??, "n?t meeting th? ?r?j??t ???n??r'? ?x???t?ti?n ?nd/?r ?t?t?d r??uir?m?nt?". Thi? w?uld in?lud? such things ?? f?ilur? to function in the int?nd?d way ?? d?fin?d in a requirements d??um?nt, not ?bt?ining th? required ??rf?rm?n?? ?t?nd?rd?, g?ing so far ?v?r budg?t th?t the ?r?j??t is canceled, ?r incurring ?? many bug? th?t th? end-users vi?w th? system ?? unusable.