Biographie de JOHN ANDERSON
John C. Anderson is the author of ten titles to date. His latest is "The Truth in Black and White." As the only white man living in a rundown, urban African American community for the past three years, Mr. Anderson supports his true history of racism with the firsthand experiences lived by his black neighbors and friends. His novels include "Finding Phoebe, " "Holly Goforth, Book One: the Stalking, " "Holly Goforth, Book Two: the Revenge, " "Holly Goforth, Book Three: the Revival, " and the final book in his Holly Quartet, "The Breakdown".
He is also the author of a semi-fictional biography, "The Wages of Gin, " and two popular histories, "GIRTY: The Legend" and "Free Love: Cultivating the Garden of Eden in America." He has contributed more than 100 published journal articles. Mr. Anderson owns and manages Concepts & Messages, a collaboration of writers, graphic designers and web developers who serve corporate and nonprofit clients on a project basis.
Mr. Anderson is the founder of Test Central, Inc., an e-commerce site that markets its proprietary assessment software and helps users prepare for licensing, certification, and academic tests at He owns the patents for administering tests on the Internet. He has been writing for his entire life, first as a newspaper reporter, then as a magazine editor, next as an advertising and public relations counselor, and as an e-commerce pioneer.
He presently lives and writes in Shaker Heights, Ohio.