Cr??t?l? ?nd gemstones h?v? b??n v?lu?d for ??nturi?? f?r their b??ut? ?nd ?l?? for th?ir h??ling ??w?r?. It i? b?li?v?d th?t th? ancient Egyptians w?r?... > Lire la suite
Cr??t?l? ?nd gemstones h?v? b??n v?lu?d for ??nturi?? f?r their b??ut? ?nd ?l?? for th?ir h??ling ??w?r?. It i? b?li?v?d th?t th? ancient Egyptians w?r? ?dv?n??d crystal h??l?r?. There i? th? ??h??l ?f th?ught th?t ?xi?t? th?t these Egyptian h??l?r? m?? h?v? obtained their advanced kn?wl?dg? in the u?? ?f crystals in th? healing arts from their ?r?d??????r?, th? ????l? ?f Atlantis. Th?? kn?w th?t, through ?timul?ti?n ?f ?ubtl? vibr?ti?n?l fr??u?n?i?? in the human energy field, or ?ur?, h??ling could ???ur in hum?n? ?nd animals. Wh?n ??rt?in ?t?n?? w?r? ?l???d on the body in key ?r??? ?nd ?ll?w?d to r?m?in th?r? for a ?h?rt ??ri?d ?f tim?, th? person r???iving the tr??tm?nt got b?tt?r. M?d?rn d?? acupuncturists und?r?t?nd this ??n???t and use ??u?un?tur? n??dl?? t? ?timul?t? ??m? ?f th? very ??m? areas that the Egyptian h??l?r? u??d t? place th?ir h??ling ?t?n??. B? placing ?r??t?l? and g?m?t?n?? in th? proximity of ??rt?in chakras, m?ridi?n? ?nd ?th?r energy points, bl??k?g?? become cleared ?nd h??ling is facilitated. During a crystal healing ????i?n it i? n?t unu?u?l f?r a ??r??n r???iving a tr??tm?nt t? re-experience a ?ld tr?um?, as if th? r??r????d m?m?r? of it has re-surfaced as it i? ?xiting th? ?ur? ?r ?n?rg? fi?ld, and th? physical body ?imult?n??u?l?.