Biographie de Liam Venice
Liam Venice was born in 1979 in Oakland, California.
He is father of two beautiful young children, Caera and Anthony, and in the last 3 years, with the birth of his two children, Liam started to grow a passion for crafts.
Starting from the easiest chores Liam improved his abilities and he can now create complex and really difficult crafts.
In recent times he also started to use Cricut because of the successful results obtained with the creation of some colorful adhesives on a few t-shirts.
Caera and Anthony literally loved them.
Liam has also always been passionate about design. He passed two years in Milan, Italy to study and specialize himself in this particular subject.
All the books from Liam Venice contain all the information to start create crafts and they are easy to understand even to those who are taking their first steps in this journey.