BEING ALIVE: Welcome to my universe! "It's my last 24 hours of life, what do I do with it now?"Do not fears, anger, and sadness from our mourning, losses, relational fractures, and all life situations touch everyone in some way or another?From our children to our elders, do we know how to fully embrace all these emotions? How can I support them? What connects humans to themselves and to others? It's that precious committee of Love comprising the body, the mind, and emotions!!!So, why is there such a strong sense of widespread helplessness when we observe what is happening within us and around us? What do I do with this powerful helplessness? Very often, nothing!Why? Do we know how? Is it natural for human beings to suffer for so long and with such heaviness?The death of the love of my life on December 25, 2021, shattered the walls of the inner prison to reveal how concretely the absolute embrace of the emotional carnage I was experiencing makes me ALIVE. From Heart and Affection, Raymond