Ben Hibbits has had nearly 1000 successful recoveries since he began working as a professional, licensed Bail Enforcement Agent in 2005. He is also an NRA certified firearms instructor, certified Personal Protection Specialist and was a co-founder of the Delaware Bail Enforcement Association. He is currently a Federal Law Enforcement Officer with the Department of Homeland Security. Ben and his partner Jack McGhee have been asked to speak at numerous (State of Delaware) Bail Enforcement Agent licensing classes, which lead them to begin training new agents and the development of this manual.
Jack McGhee has been a licensed Bail Enforcement Agent since 2005 and has over 1200 successful recoveries to date.
Jack has been very involved in the Bail industry in the state of Delaware. In addition to training new agents and speaking at the State licensing classes, Jack is s member of the Delaware State Bail Review Board and represents that board as a committee member on the Delaware State Board of Weapons and Force. He is also a co-founder of the Delaware Bail Enforcement Agents Association, an NRA certified firearms instructor, a certified Personal Protection Specialist and he is a State certified Security Instructor.
Perhaps his proudest professional achievement is that of U. S. Army veteran.