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A central Midwest author, C. C. has been imagining stories since she was young. Her love of speculative fiction made her a perfect match for Living Sensical parables. While she likes writing straight-ahead adventure-type stories, she also tries different structures as she collaborates with other co-authors.
R. has always been interested in the strange, mysterious, and wonderful. Writing speculative fiction is perfect for him, as he's never fit into any mold. And always been working to find the loopholes in any "pat system."Writing parables for Living Sensical seemed a simpler way to help his stories come to life.
R. L. has always had a hard-edged humor. But he's been working on toning it back when it interferes with the straight entertainment value of the story he's bringing to life.
Saunders likes his parables exciting and his sharp wit is often a surprise. Of course, there are contemporary mentions you have to keep an eye out for... Satire is like that, he says - no fun if you don't deflate an over-blown ego every now and then...