Biographie de Lorraine Pestell
Lorraine Pestell was born in London and has had a successful career as an Information Technology professional in the UK, US, Europe, Singapore, and more recently Australia. Lorraine currently resides in Queensland with her rescued Belgian Malinois, Nikki, Although still working full-time, Lorraine is a passionate volunteer for several organisations and an activist for social justice issues. She finds volunteering time and energy to those less fortunate is an effective antidote to life-long depression and the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
The idea for "A Life Singular" originated when Lorraine was 14 years old, and the story has continued to develop in fits and starts since then, whenever time and life events permitted. However, three years ago, a new element of the plot triggered a sudden urge to complete the novel, and since then the story has evolved into an epic, multi-part contemporary fiction saga. Sales proceeds of "A Life Singular" go to The Smith Family ( and the School Volunteer Program (