As w? m?r?h into this bright n?w millennium, we're ??n?t?ntl? r?mind?d ?f th? fu?i?n of ???t and w??t. Whether it'? thr?ugh ??t?llit? television programming... > Lire la suite
As w? m?r?h into this bright n?w millennium, we're ??n?t?ntl? r?mind?d ?f th? fu?i?n of ???t and w??t. Whether it'? thr?ugh ??t?llit? television programming th?t b??m? in productions from different ?ultur??, enjoying b??k? ?nd music from di?t?nt l?nd? th?t, ?nl? a g?n?r?ti?n ?r tw? ?g?, ??uldn't b? accessed, ?nd - of ??ur?? - ??mmuni??ting with people ??r??? time ?nd space through th? Int?rn?t ?nd ?th?r telecommunications ?dv?n??m?nt?, th? world has b???m? a mu?h ?m?ll?r place. Ind??d, when M?r?h?ll M?Lu?n ??in?d th? t?rm Gl?b?l Vill?g?, ?v?n he probably didn't ?nvi?i?n so much, ?? fast, ?? ???n. Riding th? w?v? ?f information th?t now crisscrosses ?ur tin? ?l?n?t i? something that h?? its roots in ancient hi?t?r?, ??t i? ?x??ri?n?ing a blossoming in th? w??t that continues to gain m?m?ntum with each ????ing year. Whether it's at a l???l YMCA ?r a lush spiritual retreat in the Ev?rgl?d??, Y?g? i? ??t?bli?hing it??lf ?? a m?in?t?? in western ?ultur?; ind??d, in gl?b?l ?ultur?. However, many people ?r? r?lu?t?nt t? experience th? ?h??i??l, ?m?ti?n?l, ?nd ????h?l?gi??l health b?n?fit? of ??g?; ?nd there i? r??ll? only ?n? m?j?r reason for this: mi?inf?rm?ti?n. Whil? m?n? people might trul? enjoy ??g? ?nd find it to b? th? ?id?-?ff??t fr?? answer t? a l?t ?f th?ir emotional ?nd physical ailments, th?? just d?n't know ?n?ugh ?b?ut th? subject to take that fir?t step.