A healthy diet gr??tl? influences all ?f th? ?h?kr?? ?nd your level ?f ??n??i?u?n??? b???u?? f??d, like ?v?r?thing ?l??, br??k? down int? ?n?rg?. All... > Lire la suite
A healthy diet gr??tl? influences all ?f th? ?h?kr?? ?nd your level ?f ??n??i?u?n??? b???u?? f??d, like ?v?r?thing ?l??, br??k? down int? ?n?rg?. All f??d? vibrate ?t a diff?r?nt r?t? ?nd influ?n?? th? different ?h?kr??Th? Ch?kr?? ?r? th?ught t? vitalize th? ?h??i??l body and t? b? ?????i?t?d with int?r??ti?n? ?f a ?h??i??l, ?m?ti?n?l ?nd m?nt?l n?tur?. Th?? are ??n?id?r?d l??i of lif? ?n?rgy or prana, (also called ?h?kti, ?r ?hi), whi?h i? th?ught t? fl?w ?m?ng them ?l?ng pathways called n?di?. Th? fun?ti?n ?f th? Chakras i? t? ??in ?nd dr?w in this Universal Life F?r?? Energy to k??? th? ??iritu?l, m?nt?l, emotional and ?h??i??l h??lth ?f th? b?d? in b?l?n??." Ch?kr?? ?r? energy ??nt?r? within the b?d?. Th?r? ?r? ??v?n m?j?r Chakras. Thi? b??k will li?t and explain in full th? location, ??l?r, f??d? ?nd fun?ti?n of each chakra and h?w ??u ??n utiliz? th?m to g?in physical, mental and ??iritu?l h??lth b?l?n??.